February 19, 2019

With the intervention of technology into the workplace, we are now living in a world where everyone is highly productive, …

February 12, 2019

What is the one common thing that all successful individuals do before their long journey towards success? They would all …

February 5, 2019

We all keep hearing the term “Personal branding” more often than not these days. A personal brand is a positive …

January 23, 2019

Humans are complicated creatures. We live with a conscious which essentially separates us from all other living things. We constantly …

January 17, 2019

Do you have a job or a career? It’s a simple question anyone can answer once they know the difference …

January 10, 2019

There are two types of people in this world – leaders and followers. We see them among us every day …

January 3, 2019

When you have self-belief, it easily breeds confidence. Self-belief is that positive feeling individuals have, which makes them think they …

December 25, 2018

Life is like a roller coaster – it has many ups and downs which can shake us and make us …

December 19, 2018

Wise men say that life is what you make it. It simply means that whatever that happens in your life, …

December 12, 2018

Let’s get our facts straight Being average doesn’t cut anymore. In this highly competitive world, making a mark for yourself …