How To Redesign Your Life With Life Coaching

Aug 09, 2018 | Ebru Yildirim
Redesign Your Life With Life Coaching
We are in control of how we will project our life. Most of what we do in life comes from a pattern of learned behavior that we can alter if we choose to. Nothing is random in life. Sometimes, life gives us the most complicated message, and often there is a hidden meaning to it, waiting to be revealed. There are many factors to why we fail to unveil life’s messages, and one of them is when we let inhibitions take the artist’s role in designing our life. These are called the ‘saboteurs’ of life, the ones that come to destroy the opportunity to reinvent our adult selves, and they come in different forms and faces. To tame them; we need to be aware of their voice and distinguish it from our inner voice by scanning our feelings, body senses, and thoughts. With that awareness, we can recognise what’s happening in our lives, which would lead us making some conscious choices, and that would result in forwarding the action. It’s a step-by-step process.
As we continually pace in the different transitions we encounter in life, we are faced with circumstances that may trigger our saboteurs, that will eventually pull us down into a quicksand we’ll find it hard to escape from. Big changes and the most unexpected things happen in life, that can make us take a step back from progressing. We are being challenged, and that’s totally normal! If it doesn’t challenge you, then it doesn’t change you. However, we need to carefully check with ourselves if we are still on the right track, and if we are not, there are always ways to redesign your life the way you want it to be. At this stage, to identify what we should do to reform our life, we can take a small step forward and start asking ourselves some meaningful questions; the type of questions that would evoke thinking and help identifying what we are holding as our core values in life. That would start an opportunity to later take huge leaps.
Here is a list of thought starter questions to reflect on;
· What are my needs and wants?
· What’s important to me?
· What am I capable of?
· What am I not currently capable of?
· What values and dreams am I honoring/dishonoring with actions?
· What’s holding me back?
· What am I scared of?
· How would it look like if I begin redesigning my life?
· What’s my vision?
The Vision is an internal image of what we want from our life. It drives our energy, our thoughts, our wants and needs and our choices. It’s the thing leading us towards/away from some certain choices. There are always some things we really want, some things that feel right, some things we’re content with, and there is an inner knowing about them. Connecting to that source of knowing would put us back in the artist’s role. Choices are decisions, made in the moment result in action. So, what do we choose?
Living in the moment, not the past or the future, by coming from a place of commitment and deep connection would help us transform our lives.
Transformational coaching focuses on people and their views which gives them perspective on their life goals. It brings out the messages life is trying to tell us. Life coaching explores the edges of our dreams that will help us discover the messages that weren’t visible previously.
A life coach in Dubai with a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach®( PCC, CPCC, ORSC, NLP) focuses on deep-connection; asking powerful questions, listening, empowering, deepening the knowledge and forwarding the action. With all of these, you’re able to get the message that is key to redesigning life.