How To Embrace Your 30-Year-Old Milestone

Dec 14, 2023 | Ebru Yildirim
Certified Life Coach

Life is a very exciting ride. One day, you're attending college, eating some ramen at 2:00 am, and the next, you are staring down the road of the big 30.

They say age is just a number, but is your 30s creeping up on you, leaving you wondering about your whereabouts in life? The truth is that the 30s is the phase in life where we see the world through a new lens. This complements the saying, "Life begins in your 40s".

In this article, we will share some expert insights from a certified life coach in Dubai on the best way to embrace your 30-year-old milestone.

1. Shift the Narrative: Your Age, Your Terms

Firstly, you need to begin by tackling the elephant in the room: age. As the famous saying goes, "You are only as old as you feel". Generally, by 30, it is very natural to fall into societal expectations, whether it's having a stable job, a settled family, or owning a house.

Remember, just because you hit a certain age doesn't mean you must fit into a mold set by society or your community. It is okay to still not have your life all figured out by your 30s. After all, life isn't a sprint; it's a marathon.

Once you have developed this mindset, you are halfway there in making the best out of your 30s.

2. Make Health a Priority

Taking time to focus on our health is very important to age gracefully. It also plays a crucial role in reducing stress and the risk of developing health conditions as we age.

Having a healthy body and mind is important to keep us motivated, engaged, and productive in our lives- especially in our 30s when we try to make the most out of our lives for financial freedom and a happy retirement.

Developing mental and physical issues can create setbacks in achieving goals and, in worse cases, take a toll on your financial stability as well. Starting a healthy lifestyle is difficult at the beginning, but with time, you will see how much of a difference it makes to your day and quality of life overall.

3. Find Time For Yourself

30's can be a time when responsibilities pile up. Finding time for yourself can be challenging, especially if you are a family man or woman with kids. Having this time is crucial to understand your goals, meaning, and overall purpose in life.

It helps you list down your obstacles in life, where you need more clarity, and see the changes you need to make to lead a more fulfilling 30s.

Journaling is also a good way to find time for yourself and express your thoughts and feelings about your day. Or else trying to spend the day by reading, picking up a hobby, walking, and even engaging in yoga or pilates can be helpful for some me-time.

4. Get Help When Needed

If you have mixed feelings about entering your 30s, are confused about how to set and achieve your goals, or even have a hard time understanding your purpose in life and where you need to be, the best option is to get professional guidance through life coaching.

A life coach is a professional who can help you manage different areas of life and guide you towards finding purpose and achieving your ultimate goals in life. They are responsible for restoring a person's overall well-being and helping them lead a more fulfilling life with contentment.

You just need to express yourself and your concerns openly to the life coach so they can personalize the most effective program for you that delivers sustainable outcomes.