The Lost Art of Contentment: How to Be Content in Life

May 10, 2024 | Ebru Yildirim
How to Be Content in Life

Life has and will always be a puzzle that we try to solve. No matter how many milestones we achieve or hurdles we overcome, there sometimes seems to be an empty spot or void that is never filled or satisfied to our hearts’ pleasure.

How many successful people do we see struggling with finding true happiness or an optimum level of satisfaction - that only they can define? It can sometimes make us feel like nothing is ever enough in life - be it success, growth, love, or health.

We are constantly pressured by our thoughts to do more in search of a complete state of happiness. The truth is that finding contentment, i.e., a complete state of happiness and satisfaction in life, comes from a strong and disciplined mind.

Finding contentment in life is an art that requires delicate balance and thoughtfulness to master. But when you truly find contentment, you will realise that it is best found when you least search for it.

What is Contentment Anyway?

Contentment is a feeling or state of accomplishment that can be experienced in different ways by people. For example, for someone a content life can be one which has enough success, whereas for another it can be living a life free from health issues.

In general, it is an emotional state of complete satisfaction about one’s current situation or stage in life, body, and mind. It is wholeheartedly accepting your life the way it is and feeling happy about it—not wanting anything more or less.

Many people confuse contentment in life as something interconnected with being less ambitious. This is not true. Being content in life doesn’t necessarily mean one doesn’t have dreams or goals. It also doesn't mean one doesn’t want more accomplishments or growth in life.

The true meaning of contentment is being happy with the milestones you have achieved up until now and living in those moments without letting the thought of your next goal get in the way and make you unhappy with what is ahead. In simple terms, contentment is when you can find true happiness in life as a journey, in each stage, ups and downs, rather than only the ultimate destination.

Finding Contentment in Today’s Time

The idea of success and true happiness in today’s time is very different from that of two or three decades ago. This is mainly because the digital era and social media culture have created some unspoken rules about what they are.

So naturally, when people feel their accomplishments or values in life are not aligned with those established and widely accepted societal standards, they feel like they have missed the mark somehow, stirring up discontentment.

Today, our values in life are heavily influenced by wanting to fit into society and feel accepted by it. We find the dire need always to compare our progress to see what society says is good and subconsciously align our happiness or satisfaction to those standards.

Although it might surprise you, this habit of comparison is the root of discontentment in life for many. Other factors contributing to this feeling include resentment toward the family they are born into, perceived mistakes from parents, and feeling like they’ve never been given a fair chance or enough resources to live their dream life.

The good news is that we all feel this way at some point in life, and you are not alone. The sooner you understand how to manage this unexplainable feeling, the quicker you will be able to stop it from getting in the way of joyful moments - or making your life bitter.

Here are 5 ways you can learn the art of achieving contentment in life in a healthy and practical way.

1.  Find What Will Make You Content in Life

First things first find what causes unhappiness or less satisfaction in your life. While this will take some honesty with yourself, the best way to be more content in life is to understand what makes you feel you're not. This simple step can help you address and work on feelings that stir negative feelings within yourself about your progress in life.

Journaling is a good way to put down your values in life and milestones that you want to achieve. Through this, you can monitor your progress and steadily work towards the goal you wish to reach to be more content with your life. It is more practical and, most importantly, keeps you accountable for what you want in life.

2. Keep A Gratitude Log

Sometimes, when we think deeply and count our blessings, we get this valuable feeling of gratefulness, which alone can make us feel more content. The perfect example is being thankful or happy with our parents for what they are when seeing the helplessness of an orphan.

Having a gratitude log helps you reflect on people, skills, moments, accomplishments, and milestones that you are thankful for. List all the things you are happy to have in your life, whether it is your job, a family, an understanding partner, kids, or even good parents.

It could also be something about yourself, your courage, your confidence, your intelligence, or even your ability to manage risks. Oftentimes, we forget to be grateful for ourselves. A gratitude log can help you give yourself a little dose of self-love, which is crucial in creating a content life.

3. Reevaluate Social Media Use

Social media has made life much more interesting. It is a fun tool that helps us connect with our friends, family, and the world at large. But let's face it: sometimes, the validation we seek from social media can be the leading cause of unhappy emotions or dissatisfaction in life.

The truth is that people tend to show their best selves on social media. Sometimes, seeing people grow, achieve, and always be happy can persuade us to compare those manicured versions with our everyday lives. This constant stimulation and need to compare can soon take us far from finding true happiness in life or divert us from the simple values that truly make life content.

It can make us feel less important and question our self-worth or persuade us to feel insignificant and unaccomplished when compared to what we see on social media platforms.

So, do yourself a favour and leave social media engagement for a while. Once you get into the habit of disassociating from the online world periodically, you will begin to appreciate your journey as you try to reach your goals.

This will help you see your life through a different lens, where you will be more appreciative of your efforts, hard work, and all other accomplishments in life so far.

What is Contentment

4. Accept What You Can’t Change

Although it is quite hard to accept, there are some things in life that we just can't change—and it is better that way. These could be our own mistakes or those of families and friends, which have given us traumatic experiences.

No matter how unpleasant they can feel, revolving around these moments or going back to them only anchors us to the past and the things we can't change. In the long run, this can become a habit that is hard to let go of and keeps you stagnant in your life.

The moment you accept the things you can't change, you allow yourself to look ahead, set goals, and work towards reaching them. Doing this stops you from dwelling on negative thoughts and instead be excited for what more life can give if you put effort into it.

5. Focus On Things That Actually Make You Happy

Having the constant need to find true happiness in life or contentment can get overwhelming after a point. This can, in the long run, make it hard to push through difficult days, leading to an unpleasant set of emotions.

The best way to detach from this feeling and gear your values in life towards real contentment is to find happiness in doing the things you love or those that excite you. This can be going on a long trip, spending more time with family or kids, hanging out with friends, or even simply watching a good movie.

It can help you reflect on the little moments in life that can bring a true sense of happiness. You will understand there is more to life than achieving a set of goals; it's about having a healthy body, a loving family, walking around nature, or getting to be a good parent.

Focus On Things That Actually Make You Happy

Finding Contentment in Life Begins With Your Mind

We all have an idea of what a content life is, but not many of us are prepared to go through what it takes. This is one of the main reasons why many of us wander in life with a sense of void and emptiness.

Your mind is the most powerful thing that can decide the tone of your life, this includes finding contentment in life. Start disciplining your mind and the values in your life, and reflect them in your lifestyle. With time, you will be able to feel more satisfied in your journey of life and not solely your destination.

The foundation for finding true happiness in life starts with appreciating the baby steps, small milestones achieved, and the willingness to make progress regardless of the odds.

Another effective way to master the art of contentment in life is to seek professional help through a life coach. A well-designed life coaching session will equip you with effective strategies, tactics, and techniques that can help you find satisfaction through customized approaches that best suit your life and mindset.