Our habits dictate much of what we do on any given day. Indeed, social psychologists estimate that 45% half of our daily behavior is habitual. Many of these habits and routines are so automatic that we hardly notice them, such as brushing our teeth at night or turning on the coffee maker as soon as we wake up.
Changing our habits to replace unhealthy ones, such as staying up late to scroll through social media, with healthy ones, such as exercising before breakfast, is often more difficult than we think. The truth is that the habits we adopt in our lives can either help or hinder us. The right set of habits will enable you to lead a healthier and more positive life, while the wrong set of habits will stop you from achieving your full potential.
We've outlined these life-changing habits from Life Coaching experts that we believe will improve your daily routines and help you achieve your goals.
Make your bed when you Wake Up
Making your bed as soon as you wake up may seem like a small, insignificant task, but it will set the tone for a more productive day. This is probably the simplest of the life-changing habits listed here to implement right away.
Some even claim that making your bed in the morning can improve your mental health by giving you a sense of accomplishment and calm that will last the rest of the day.
Enjoy the moment
Life is made up of moments, but far too often we miss them because we are too preoccupied with our phones or the next item on our to-do list. Staying in the present moment through mindfulness practice has been shown to reduce stress, blood pressure, and chronic pain.
It is a difficult skill to master, but begin by committing to savoring at least one moment each day. For example, when making your first cup of coffee of the day, concentrate completely on pouring the water, measuring out the coffee, and drinking it without distractions while paying close attention to the smell, taste, and feel of your morning brew.
Think Before you Speak
This is not limited to verbal communication. When we hear the notification ping, we often feel compelled to respond to emails, texts, and instant messages. This habit not only distracts us from whatever activity we are engaged in, but it can also result in ill-thought-out responses written in haste.
Instead of responding to messages as soon as you receive them, schedule time during the day to respond to people. That way, you can concentrate entirely on the task at hand and ensure that your responses are appropriate and well-considered, with no spelling or grammatical errors.
Set healthy work-life balance boundaries
Setting boundaries is a difficult task, but it is essential if we are to maintain our physical and emotional health. With so many of us now working from home, the distinction between work and play has become increasingly hazy. We are also more contactable than ever before, thanks to smartphone technology, and we frequently remain plugged in even in our spare time and on vacation.
Put in place habits that protect your personal time and keep you from burning out to achieve a healthy work-life balance. These could include not checking emails after work hours, turning off your computer at a set time each day, and going for a daily walk after work to reinforce the transition to leisure time.
Working from our desks has reached an all-time high. This way of life cannot be allowed to negatively affect our physical or mental health. Of course, work is important, but our most valuable asset is ourselves. These habits will help you prioritize yourself and improve your life in all aspects.