Relationship Is An Art: 6 Steps For Better Communication With Your Partner

Aug 22, 2021 | Ebru Yildirim
Communicate with your partner

A component that is integral to relationships is communication. If you are in a relationship, you likely have tense moments and arguments. While it is all right to have differences in opinion, in most stable and healthy relationships, having some varying thoughts and beliefs is recommended. You should be able to work towards an understanding or a compromise. If this doesn't happen, there can be a complete breakdown in the way couples communicate. As a couples coach in Dubai, my experience has shown me that the root cause of most relationship issues is a lack of proper communication. Therefore, we will look at the steps you can take to build this.

Process feelings before you speak

When you argue with your partner or feel affected by something they did, it may be tempting to voice your thoughts immediately. However, more than not, this could further worsen the problem. When you are experiencing significant emotions, it can be challenging to control what you say. You may be too harsh or react too aggressively, further worsening the problem. Therefore, you should give yourself time to process your feelings and analyze the situation. By doing this, you will be able to calm down and communicate with your partner better. 

Ask open-ended questions

When you have conversations with your partner, you need to dig deep and get to know them better. However, this may not be easy, especially if your significant other is uncomfortable talking about their feelings. To make them more open to conversations, you should open-ended questions. This type of question allows a person to elaborate on information without resorting to a yes or no. Most importantly, it will enable them to share information they are comfortable sharing without feeling pressured to reveal too much. Always keep in mind that everyone has boundaries, including your partner. If you try to push too much, it could cause them to become irritated and close off.

Remember to speak but also listen

A common complaint most clients have in the couple coaching sessions is that their partner speaks over them in conversations and does not listen to them, making them feel unimportant and isolated. Conversations are a two-way street. As much as you need to share your opinion, you need to be willing to listen to what your significant other is saying, even if you disagree with them. 

Notice non-verbal cues

Communication is more than simply the words you say; how you say it can be just as significant or maybe even more so. Non-verbal cues provide a wealth of information regarding your partner's mood. Identifying them could improve the way you communicate. You need to pay attention to facial expressions, tone of speech, and body language. Most of my clients have revealed that their partners do not notice these cues and communicate sufficiently. Sometimes coming across as insensitive and uncaring. Therefore, you need to pick up these cues as they are essential for effective communication.

Don't assume what's on their mind; just ask.

Assumptions can be deadly to a relationship. Instead of having conversations about certain things, most people in a relationship assume they know what is on their significant other's mind. Even if you have been in a lengthy relationship and think you know your partner well, your assumptions could still be wrong. And making decisions based on something you have no concrete evidence about can be disastrous. Therefore, simply ask them if you are unsure about what your partner is feeling or do not tell why they acted a certain way.

Respond to criticism with understanding

When your partner gives you criticism, try to understand where they are coming from instead of becoming defensive. While it can be challenging to hear criticism, listening to them is still necessary. It shows that you care about your partner's opinion and are taking what they say seriously. Even if the criticism is exaggerated, try to look for the truth. It may tell you a lot about your qualities and how you can improve your relationship with your partner. 

Good communication is the most effective way to save a relationship. Both you and your partner must take the above steps to improve how you converse with each other. If you want a more tailored intervention, make sure to join my relationship coaching sessions at Unlocked Potentials.