Building Connections: Why Is It Essential To Keep Track Of Your Coworker’s Wellbeing

Jun 15, 2021 | Ebru Yildirim
Building connections with coworkers

Asking someone a simple question about how they are doing holds a lot of magnitude without people realizing its power. Mingling with your coworkers and occasionally checking up on them makes them feel a sense of belonging and builds a strong connection between you and them. When your coworkers feel involved, it leads to the ultimate combo of feeling motivated and inspired, increasing their workplace productivity. After discussing it with your life coach, you can plan the best-case scenario to build that connection with your fellow employees.

Importance Of Checking In

Checking in with different employees around you is an incredible way of building relationships and fostering trust between each other. It creates a sense of community and lets the employees feel comfortable sharing their feelings amongst each other and providing immeasurable support to everyone around them. 

It can also be said that reaching out to their employees and developing that level of trust and commitment can go a long way. As a result, employees feel valued, and they feel cared for by their superiors. In addition, studies have shown that people prefer to have more opportunities to connect with their colleagues and chat around with them. 

Grab The Opportunities

When the opportunity arises, do not back down. Always be present in a possible situation where you can make small talk with your coworkers and make them feel valued. A single question like ‘How are you today?’ goes a long way in making people trust you. 

Always look out for small opportunities to talk to them whenever you can because chances to talk to people are always fleeting, and you should make the most of it as soon as possible. 

Listening Attentively Is Essential 

Checking up on your coworkers is a time when you listen to them and let them explain their perspectives rather than a time for debating or discussions. Let them know that you are there for them when they need it to always confide in you about their wellbeing. Always approach these topics with a positive attitude because that lets the other person know that you truly mean it when you are there for them. 

Build Trust

When your colleagues are vulnerable with you, it is alright if you show vulnerability as well. It shows that your actions towards them are genuine, and it can build a strong connection brimming with trust. They feel acknowledged and strengthen communication between you and them. 

Consistency Is Key

It is always crucial to maintain consistency once you take that step towards communicating with your colleagues. It is not a possibility that the small talk continues for three weeks and then stops because that does not work in building strong and trustworthy relationships. You can set an example for your other team members so that everyone in your workplace soon starts communicating healthily with each other and provides constant support. 

This path towards bridging the gap between you and your coworkers through continuous check-ins is a long one, and it takes a simple but long effort to create a working relationship that is worthwhile. However, it yields many benefits in the long run, so it is a recommended method in life coaching.